People in India usually don't smile on the roads. Roads witness people in hurry, in frustration, in rash, in their utmost selfish instinct to make their own paths and reach their own destinations. How irritating it gets to get stuck behind a slow tractor. How nasty horns remarks the rickshaw puller to be too slow in the fast paced world.
Instead, I just thought to stage the roads of my country with patience, smiles, greetings, a tinge of selflessness.
My contribution, my way...for my country.
A little bit of me (AAHISTA) for all of you on the roads.
Roads are excellent place to worship, feel the bliss, be grateful, get aware of real sorrow and pray for the underprivellaged.
My car is my temple and I get timeless there. I'm all soul and those thirty minutes in the morning I'm surrounded by heavenly aura of my love. I feel all the love I'm blessed with. It's the most wonderful time of the whole day. I have thirty golden minutes to let my true self flow in His love.
I keep praying.. "Make me an instrument of your love, a channel of your peace"
There I go, however late, however messed up, however tired, I surrender my fear of traffic to Almighty....in the realm of beauty, joy, peace. I don't belong To this world and the suffering and worries hitherto are best forgotten. My hands in the hands of my mate I just traverse through land.
In such a state of mind I forget to get annoyed when someone takes a wrong turn. I forget that I'm myself getting late and I let the trespassers cross while I patiently wait. I exchange smiles with one and all. I bow my head to the traffic police for serving us, I let the ambulance pass. I go slow. I saw the expression on the faces of ill clad ones on the heap of hay over the tractor. I pray for them. I pray for the man whom I saw a man pull manually his rehri uphill over the flyover. I thank God to be blessed. I read the tag lines behind the trucks.
I fly high over the fly over. May be subtly a part of me as Aahista let's out for the world. I contribute my little piece of peace.