Love affirmations to beloved soul, You might miss me, but I'll not miss a chance to let you know that I'm there. So worry not, where ever you go, in what so ever state you be, which ever age you will find the essence of me. My body stays or not, I'll be, right there prove my presence to you. When all things go wrong, I'll bring you a ray of hope. When world blames you, I'll be there to call you heroic. The wind, the water, the fire, the sky, the earth, the matter and the beyond...all will bring to your intellect my message. Your own conscience will speak for me to you. I'll wink and smile through that stone on your path. I'll make you feel like being watched. A branch would brush through you and stop by to say my Hi. The breeze will bring my love to you. The sweet fragrance of flowers shall remind you of blossoms of giving. All rain will shout it's eagerness to you. The thunder and storm will convey all ecstasy. I've expande...