
Showing posts from May, 2018


The Serene Lotus brings to the fore front what we face in our day to day life. Spirituality is not always sought in the mountains. Here is a word to word, sentence to sentence meaning of  “The Serene Lotus”. It will be wise to go through my last post  “The Serene Lotus” to get a deeper understanding of the matter! Some times our hopes are all shattered and we don’t see help coming from anywhere! We loose all patience and we think that God seems to have forgotten us. So in bid to catch some attention we try to visit Him at all the temples and dhaams. We want to just get a glance of what future holds for us. We bribe Him or do some social works to send some secret messages to Him. But we get no responses. This makes us hollow from within. Then we draw the inference that God either doesn’t exist or wouldn’t do any good as He is ignoring us. God knows us inside out without coming in front of us!  Before you complain God Almighty for ignoring you, blame Him to be ruthless,...


Lotus keeps blooming and watches like a silent spectator! Roses lose all patience. Sways from right to left and bends out of anxiety. The roses just wanna know what the lotus is thinking! Why not responding? But serenity is Lotus’s strength; and the twins are impatient. All the battles of roses are lost to the serenity. Silence bites the twins and twins drop one of the roses in the water to create some ripples. Lotus is capable of ignoring the ripples too. Lotus doesn’t even need to watch them to know what’s going on.   What are we talking about??? What meanings can we think of?? And what lessons can we take? How can we relate this to our lives?  “Deeper meanings: the serene lotus” will answer them in the next post. Keep pondering! 


It will be wonderful to go through the “THE LOTUS SMELT SWEETER EVER SINCE” before going on to its deeper meaning! There are a few instances with a few people in our lives to whom we relate on the base of LOVE! At times we like roses shred ourself and make a difference in the life of some lotus. At times some one else is that rose to us and we play the lotus. It’s not always about the person as a whole but about that particular instance where we played either twin roses or the lotus!  What so ever it might be LOVE and sacrifice connect the two at that moment. If some one gives us time, thoughts, feelings, material help, a motivating speech or a book, comforting words, encouraging statements or just a listening ear even that’s sacrifice that moment, giving that moment. And such incidences make us sweeter and more capable of giving without expectations! We all must analyse the presence of those rolled in rose petals within us, feel and express gratitude in our prayers. Conc...


I’m a dreamy girl and I often walk through my favourite memory lanes. Every sweet memory is a treasure to me. And no one can snatch them from me. My memories invoke the artist within me. That makes me write in the flow and result in masterpieces, which I feel must be shared. The meanings are deep and related to many aspects of life! My heart is a whirlpool of emotions that it carry now. Even though it’s importance began with something meagre just two roses and a lotus as they were named but off-late I saw them holding many lessons and hidden messages that Almighty had for me.  Today I see in twin roses and solo lotus vast set of lessons and hidden messages for the whole of humanity. Hope you enjoy it, contribute in it and sing more songs of love, fondness, gratitude and spirituality! So I present to the world a major portion of my delicate loving heart and spiritual soul as a blog “TWIN ROSES AND SOLO LOTUS” Roses were pretty yet delicate and capable of spreading love a...