The Serene Lotus brings to the fore front what we face in our day to day life. Spirituality is not always sought in the mountains. Here is a word to word, sentence to sentence meaning of “The Serene Lotus”. It will be wise to go through my last post “The Serene Lotus” to get a deeper understanding of the matter! Some times our hopes are all shattered and we don’t see help coming from anywhere! We loose all patience and we think that God seems to have forgotten us. So in bid to catch some attention we try to visit Him at all the temples and dhaams. We want to just get a glance of what future holds for us. We bribe Him or do some social works to send some secret messages to Him. But we get no responses. This makes us hollow from within. Then we draw the inference that God either doesn’t exist or wouldn’t do any good as He is ignoring us. God knows us inside out without coming in front of us! Before you complain God Almighty for ignoring you, blame Him to be ruthless,...