
Showing posts from October, 2018


"दो तार की चाशनी तब नज़र आई जब उन्गली अंगूठे से दूर जा रही थी. नज़रों से नज़रों की डोर तब ही बंधी जब गाड़ी दूर जा रही थी. नज़रों से नज़र बंध जाए तो चाशनी है, ना बंधे तो समझो कसर अभी बाकी हैै. कुछ देर और उबाल दो चाशनी बन ही जाएगी, यूं रंगते रंगते अपनी मौहब्बत भी निखर ही जाएगी." TRANSLATION "Two string sugar syrup was evidently visible when the thumb and index finger were separated, Eyes were locked only when the vehicle was departing away. When a pair of eyes are locked with another, sugar syrup is ready, If not then probably it needs more heat. Boil it for some more time, sugar syrup would soon be ready, Painting ourselves in one colour, more grace shall add to our love." DEEPER MEANINGS We are talking of feelings and relationships. Two string sugar syrup love is Concurrent, Connected, Confectionary, Coloured. Some feelings get evident only with distance, especially the sweet ones. Following four points come to the forefront: 1. Distance is the ult...


"इतनी शिद्दत लव्ज़ो मे भी ना रही होगी जितनी शिद्दत से उन लव्ज़ो से खिची है दिल पे एक तसवीर. ना राह है ना है मंज़िल, दिल पे चुभा एक मीठा सा तीर. भीड़ मे अकेले इतने भा गए कि उस भीड़ मे खुद भी चल पड़े. गिलाफ उतार तनहाइयो से लिपट गए. कितनी ही बार वहाँ हो आए वो पतझड़ का मौसम, वो पत्तों से झनती धूप पेड़ तले अश्व, और अश्व पै हम. वो श्वेत लिवास और गुुलाबी गुलाब." TRANSLATION: Words would have been spoken lightly but they drew a scene on my heart. It was neither my way nor my destination, just a sweetened arrow prick. Adored you lonely in crowd so much so I threw myself in the same crowd. Removing the cover I hugged my own loneliness. So often I visited the place. In the season of autumn, sun rays seived through tree leaves. Below the tree was a horse, and on that horse were we. Oh that white cloak and pink roses. DEEPER MEANINGS Here self analysis and perception is shown high worth. How light words can take the form of established memories. At the end of the day it...